Recently a good colleague and friend of mine, showed me how to create AI Art using a Tensor Flow Neural style Transfer algorithm in Google Colab.
Unlike other uses of Machine Learning that require a developer, it turns out that creating art using AI is super duper easy and doesn’t need you to be a ‘coder’!
In this tutorial, I will go step by step on how to create your own AI Art, so that you can do the same 🙂
Table of Contents
Steps to create AI Art
Step 1
Visit this Tensorflow Style Transfer Machine learning model and click ‘Run in Google Colab’ button.
A screenshot of the Tensorflow ‘Style Transfer’ page, see the ‘Run in Google Colab’ button – which you need to click on.
Step 2
Once loaded, scroll down the page to the ‘Setup’ section and replace the following:
- ‘content_path‘ replace the url + file with an image you’d like to transfer a style onto
- ‘style_path‘ replace the url + file of the image you’d like to transfer the style from



Step 3
Scroll back up to the top and press the arrow button next to the ‘Neural style transfer’ header and then click the play button to run the algorithm.
Scroll back up to the top of the page and click on the arrow to the left of the title ‘Neural style transfer’ to collapse the content and reveal the play button. Click on that play button to start the algorithm.
If you click the arrow to the left of ‘Neural style transfer’ to uncollapse the content and scroll down the page, you will see the result of the algorithm.
In my case, I used my profile photo as the content image and tried two experiments where I swapped the style image.
Experiment 1


Experiment 2


Hopefully this post helps you in understanding how to practically create AI Art, I might create a post about the theory of it another time.
In the meantime, have a happy christmas and new years 😀