
NextJS, Serverless Framework and Terraform monorepo

How Wrapper.js combines NextJS, Serverless Framework and Terraform together within one code repository

I recently created a code base called Wrapper.js, which combines NextJS, Serverless Framwork and Terraform within a Monorepo. 

After writing a post about the benefits of using javascript to automate NextJS, Serverless Framework and Terraform Devops processes, I wrote this post which will show you how I have put together, in a manner that you can use in your own projects!

Table of Contents

What is Wrapper.js and why you should care about it

A TLDR from my previous blog post:

How Wrapper.js combines these technologies

Without going into the actual detail of the code logic, I’ll talk through the way the codebase is structured so you can understand how the technologies work together.

Environment & Orchestration Files

Here is a view of the codebase, looking only at the index directories.

Looking at the code base in its most basic form, lets start by looking at the index directory files:



The Devops Infrastructure

The devops folder enables the wrapper script (the root level index.js) and is also the home of the terraform code.

One of the core concepts of Wrapper.js, is the creation and use of environment variables throughout the stack. This, as well as running a local dev environment and cloud deployment commands, is what the scripts folder enables.

Terraform is configured in this codebase to dynamically generate and manage all cloud resources (apart from lambdas) based on these environment files.


└─── continuous-deployment
|   └─── Dockerfile
└─── scripts
|   └─── next.js
|   └─── serverless.js
|   └─── terraform.js
|   └─── utils.js
└─── terraform
    └─── main.tf
    └─── backend.tf
    └─── variables.tf
    └─── terraform.tfvars.json
    └─── modules
         └─── acm
         |    └─── ...
         └─── apiGateway
         |    └─── ...
         └─── cloudfront
         |    └─── ...
         └─── s3
         |    └─── ...
         └─── ...

When opening the devops folder, you see where a lot of the magic happens:

The Backend Services

The backend folder contains all the backend logic that is deployed to an environment’s API gateway.

Unlike Terraform, which is being used to create all architectural cloud resources, Serverless Framework is being used to deploy lambda functions only.

This means that within Wrapper.js, Terraform is creating a blank ApiGateway and Serverless Framework is modifying that API Gateway with end points that trigger lambda’s – further details on what is deployed in Terraform vs Serverless can be found here.

Back end code is organised into backend services, each service contains lambda functions based on the business logic that needs to be be performed.




└─── index.js
└─── utils.js
└─── serverless.common.yml
└─── serverless.env.json
└─── package.json
└─── services
     └─── serviceOne
     |    └─── serverless.yml
     |    └─── package.json
     |    └─── lambdaOne
     |    |     └─ lambdaOne.yml
     |    |     └─ lambdaOne.js
     |    └─── lambdaTwo
     |          └─ lambdaTwo.yml
     |          └─ lambdaTwo.js
     └─── serviceTwo
          └─── ...


Opening the backend folder, shows you how the backend is managed:

The Frontend Application

Last but not least, the front end folder contains the front end application which is written with ReactJS and uses NextJS as a framework for structuring the codebase.



└─── .next
└─── .babelrc
└─── components
|    └─── ...
└─── pages
|    └─── ...
└─── public
|    └─── ...
└─── stores
|    └─── ...
└─── next.config.js
└─── package.json

The frontend folder is essentially a standard NextJS application, made up of:

In conclusion

This post has detailed Wrapper.js’s approach to how it practically structures the technologies in the same codebase.

I hope this has been helpful and that someone out there is able to use this (or parts of this) to help them!!

Hope this was fun to read – enjoy automating 😀

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