Terraform variable types are a core principle of infrastructure as code to understand and are key for configuring your cloud architecture.
In my previous post I went through the process of how to set up Terraform on Mac, this post will be a part 2 – where I discuss how Terraform variables work.
The last post showed how to set up a basic VPC in Terraform, this this post I’ll show how to create variables and define configurations within the VPC based on those variables.
Table of Contents
Create a variables.tf file
In the root of your folder where your other .tf files are, create variables.tf like in the image below and copy the below code into it.

In that variables.tf file, enter the following variable types:
String variable
String variables can be used to define unique unicode configurations / identifiers / names, in the below example – a CIDR block address.
// STRING VARIABLE variable "cidr_block" { // name of the variable type = string // type of the variable (in the case string) default = "" // value of the string variable, in this case the cidr block details }
Number variable
Number variables can be used to define any whole or fractional number such as internal / external port numbers. The below example is not a strong usecase for using this variable – but works as a demonstration.
// NUMBER VARIABLE variable "projectDuration" { // name of the variable type = number // type of the variable (in this case number) default = 28 // value of the number }
Boolean variable
Boolean variables are used to determine whether certain features are enabled within resources.
// BOOLEAN VARIABLE variable "enabled" { // name of the variable default = true // value of the variable }
List variable
List variables can be used to define different types configurations for a particular such as availability zones and ports. In this case, the different types of instance_tenancy are outlined as options:
// LIST VARIABLE (ARRAY) variable "instance_tenancy" { // name of the variable type = list(string) // type of the variable, set as a list that accepts only string data default = ["default", "dedicated", "host"] // string values defined within the list }
Map variable
Map variables are useful when defining information that is linked in key value paris – like environments (e.g “dev” = “dev-bucket”). Below is not a good example of this, but it does demonstrate map variables working.
// MAP VARIABLE (key value pairs) variable "assign_generated_ipv6_cidr_block" { // name of the variable type = map // type of the variable, that accepts string keys and string values default = { "False" = "false" "True" = "true" } }
Tuple variable
Tuple variables are useful when defining a resource with parameters required to set it up (e.g vcn = [“my_vpc”,”″,false]). Below is not a good example of this, but it does demonstrate tuple variables working.
// TUPLE VARIABLE variable "launchDate" { // name of the variable type = tuple([number, string]) // type of the variable, a list that accepts two values, the first being a number and the second being a string default = [4, "September"] }
Object variable
Object variables, similar to tuple variables are also useful for defining resources with their configurations – but in a JSON-like format. Below is not a good example of this, but it does demonstrate object variables working.
// OBJECT VARIABLE variable "projectArchitecture" { // name of the variable type = object({style = string, resourceNumber = number}) // type of the variable, an object that is expecting a string variable called 'style' and a number variable called 'resourceNumber' default = { style = "Serverless" resourceNumber = 7 } }
Input variable
Input variables are handy when you want to define a resources value at runtime, such as defining the name of a resource.
// INPUT VARIABLE variable "inputname" { // name of the variable type = string // type of the input variable, which will be string stype description = "Set the name of the VPC" // set the description message that appears as a prompt for when you type an input as the variables value }
Output variable
Output variables are great for recording the value of a resource once it has been creaed by Terraform.
// OUTPUT VARIABLE output "vpcid" { // name of the variable value = aws_vpc.myfirstvpc.id // the value that you'd like to output once the resource is created } // OUTPUT VARIABLE output "vpcarn" { // name of the variable value = aws_vpc.myfirstvpc.arn // the value that you'd like to output once the resource is created }
I’ve put the whole Variables.tf file below, which contains the different ways that variables can be defined within Terraform:
// STRING VARIABLE variable "cidr_block" { // name of the variable type = string // type of the variable (in the case string) default = "" // value of the string variable, in this case the cidr block details } // NUMBER VARIABLE variable "projectDuration" { // name of the variable type = number // type of the variable (in this case number) default = 28 // value of the number } // BOOLEAN VARIABLE variable "enabled" { // name of the variable default = true // value of the variable } // LIST VARIABLE (ARRAY) variable "instance_tenancy" { // name of the variable type = list(string) // type of the variable, set as a list that accepts only string data default = ["default", "dedicated", "host"] // string values defined within the list } // MAP VARIABLE (key value pairs) variable "assign_generated_ipv6_cidr_block" { // name of the variable type = map // type of the variable, that accepts string keys and string values default = { "False" = "false" "True" = "true" } } // TUPLE VARIABLE variable "launchDate" { // name of the variable type = tuple([number, string]) // type of the variable, a list that accepts two values, the first being a number and the second being a string default = [4, "September"] } // OBJECT VARIABLE variable "projectArchitecture" { // name of the variable type = object({style = string, resourceNumber = number}) // type of the variable, an object that is expecting a string variable called 'style' and a number variable called 'resourceNumber' default = { style = "Serverless" resourceNumber = 7 } } // INPUT VARIABLE variable "inputname" { // name of the variable type = string // type of the input variable, which will be string stype description = "Set the name of the VPC" // set the description message that appears as a prompt for when you type an input as the variables value } // OUTPUT VARIABLE output "vpcid" { // name of the variable value = aws_vpc.myfirstvpc.id // the value that you'd like to output once the resource is created } // OUTPUT VARIABLE output "vpcarn" { // name of the variable value = aws_vpc.myfirstvpc.arn // the value that you'd like to output once the resource is created }
Update main.tf with data from variables.tf
Open main.tf and copy the below code into it. This will update the vpc resource with the details you’ve defined in variables.tf.
// VPC RESOURCE resource "aws_vpc" "myfirstvpc" { // title of resource cidr_block = var.cidr_block // accessing string variable data enable_dns_support = var.enabled // accessing string boolean data instance_tenancy = var.instance_tenancy[0] // accessing list variable data assign_generated_ipv6_cidr_block = var.assign_generated_ipv6_cidr_block["False"] // accessing map variable data tags = { Name = var.inputname // accessing input variable data ProjectDurationInWeeks = var.projectDuration // accessing number variable data LaunchDay = var.launchDate[0] // accessing tuple variable data LaunchMonth = var.launchDate[1] // accessing tuple variable data ArchitectureType = var.projectArchitecture["style"] // accessing object variable data NumberOfResources = var.projectArchitecture["resourceNumber"] // accessing tuple variable data } }
Create the terraform resources
In your terminal window, run this command in the folder that contains your terraform files
terraform apply -auto-approve
Once the prompt ‘Enter a value:’ appears, type in the a value you’d like (in this case I typed “TEST”).

Once the resource has been created, the two output variables that were defined are logged in the terminal window.

In AWS, check your VPC’s and validate that the resource has been created, if the configurations of the VPC should match the terraform file you’ve written – then success!! 😀

Once you’d like to destroy the VPC resource, then run the below command and type the name of the VPC resource you’d like to terminate (in this case it is “TEST”):
terraform destroy -auto-approve

In this post, I’ve demonstrated how to set variables in several different ways. If you’re keen to learn more, check out Terraform’s official documentation 🙂